REACH 2022 Fall NewsletterClick here to view the photos!
REACH's First Social (6/4) After our Induction Ceremony at Mrs. Pauline's property, we had a small social over at the Bolay Oviedo location. We primarily used it as a fundraising opportunity this time around, and were able to get a few officers to participate! Duanwu Festival During the summer, REACH was invited to the Duanwu Festival. Some of our officers were able to experience the excitement of dragon boat races for the first time. We even participated in one race against one of the teams. Although some of our members have never paddled before, we were all able to win a gold medal! Synchrony Diversity Engagement Event During this event, we were able to present what our organization's mission and what we are all about to Synchrony, who so generously gave us a $2000 grant to help us provide necessities to vulnerable members of our community. REACH Out at Blue Jacket Park We had our annual summer REACH Out in late July during Summer Vacation. We took part in a number of activities, including tug-of-war, water gun fights, and a lot more! Financial Literacy Workshop Our REACH officers were able to strengthen their financial abilities with the help of HiLite. Thanks to their guidance, our members were able to learn and formulate important financial goals for both the present and the future. We thoroughly enjoyed this event and hope to join more of HiLite’s coaching lessons. Moon over Avalon For the Moon over Avalon event, we were able to manage a merchandise store, and were able to get some successful profits! We were also able to explore the beautiful lanterns and other vendors throughout the event. Homeless 1st Initiative After months of preparation, our members put together care packages for the homeless. We partnered with Synchrony Financial to distribute the packages all around Lake Eola. Not only did we have the chance to help the homeless, but we were also able to listen to their stories. We are very thankful to have had this enlightening experience and hope to continue this in the following years. GWN Dragon Boat Race and Asian Expo On November 19th, REACH participated in the GWN Dragon Boat Race. Many of our paddlers were new to the experience but thanks to our amazing coach, C.K. Lau, and our captains, Meira Lee and Jason Hu, we were prepared for race day. Additionally, a couple of our REACH officers volunteered at the Asian Expo. They made informative posters to showcase their research on Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, and other Asian countries!
AuthorsThe amazing officers of REACH Archives
December 2023
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